
Gulf of Gökova

And yet another shot from our balcony at Bodrum, showing the Gulf of Gökova, which is a part of the Aegean sea.
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4 replies posted.
04-05-2008 // 00:40
Great landscape and great pinky tones!
I think the image would have looked even better had you cut the bottom part of water ripples and made it more rectangular-shaped.. But a great view to have in any case! :)
04-05-2008 // 10:40
I hope it's not the only thing you do; sit on your balcony ;)
04-05-2008 // 21:32
wow, I like the atmosphere in this picture.
05-05-2008 // 10:03
Quite impressive. I like the hills getting hazier in the distance.
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