
Lavender (2)

Follow-up on the shot of yesterday. The same butterfly, the same lavender, the same time, the same gear used, the same settings, the same photographer, the same amount of post-processing in Photoshop (both virtually none).

The only difference is in the composition, the angle used. The difference between these two pictures expresses the importance of composition and it's influence on the picture as a whole, even if all other parameters are the same.

Which shot do you like more?
Canon 300D  ::  Sigma 70-200 f/2.8 HSM    1/1000s, f/5 at ISO 200
4 replies posted.
08-08-2006 // 08:49
I prefer the first one! I'm very fond of the blue!
08-08-2006 // 09:00
The 1st one, because of the colors.
The 1st one is a feeling of summer, the 2d one a feeling of autumn.
08-08-2006 // 11:31
I prefer the second one (this one). The colors in #1 are great, but this picture just attracts me more. It's probably the dark background in contrast to the butterfly, in #1 the butterfly tends to 'dissapear' into the background.
11-08-2006 // 12:06
I like the first one best,blue is my favo.
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